Mobile Time Tracker ícone

Mobile Time Tracker

  • APP : Mobile Time Tracker
  • Relatório : Android
  • Desenvolvedor : Home
  • Categoria : Corporativo

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Mobile Time Tracker

Mobile Time Tracker íconeThe MTT (Mobile Time Tracker) App is designed to Integrate with our Vision Enterprise software package. This App makes it possible to Clock In and Out anywhere in the world, and save the transactions in your Vision Enterprise software. You can track your employee’s exact location for each clocking on our software. The app gets locked to one employee, so that one employee cannot clock in for another – this gets rid of the buddy clocking issue. There are two ways of logging into the App, one is by Username and Password and the other is by fingerprint verification. Supervisors can make use of the Mass Clocking feature, to clock in multiple employees that have been assigned to them.In order to use this app, please contact us:Website: www.uniclox.comTel: 011 439 2000E-mail: [email protected]

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